Saturday 4 May 2024

Hong Kong

                           Hong Kong

Hong Kong was established as a colony of the British  after the Qing dynasty ceded in 1841–1842 as a consequence of losing the First Opium WarTO the colony expanded in 1860 peninsula further was the united kindom of the 99 year the lease in 1898. from 1941 to 1945 during world war by  occupied Hong Kong The territory was handed over from the United Kingdom to China in 1997 Originally a sparsely populated IN the world financial centres one of the siginificant now one territory is commercial ports.


THE territory in 1780 to a small referred name of a territory a located between island and southern coast hong kong was a island point of initial and local fishman.  IN OFFERED by island flowed on the origin the name from derived from hong-keang the colour of soil reflecting over red torrent. The name was also commonly written as the single word Hongkong until 1926, when the government officially adopted the two-word name Although European demand for Chinese commodities like tea, so could  European goods was  Chinese by the manufactured bought with precious metals
                                                           Hong Kong in 1868, photograph     

IN 1842 built by early  hostile in the  Administrative but piracy to the government from attracting commerce
        By the end of this war, Hong Kong had evolved from a transient colonial outpost into a major entrepôtThe colony was further expanded in 1898 when the United Kingdom obtained a 99-year lease of the New Territories.  it transitioned to a service-based economy because in the manufacturing competitiveness.


Undeveloped terrain is hilly to mountainous, with very little flat land, and consists mostly of grassland, woodland, shrubland, or farmland


As the mainland liberalised its economy, Hong Kong's shipping industry faced intense competition from other Chinese ports The city has the second-highest number of corporate headquarters in the Asia-Pacific region

Friday 3 May 2024




IN 1707 THE  england of kindom and the scotland of kingdom under the united treaty of union creat of the kingdom of great britain. THE acts of union 1800 of ireland seceded from in uk in 1922 and the parliamentary and royal titles act in 1927 the united kingdom of northern ireland and great britain .  20th and early 19th centuries during the pax britannica between 1914 and 1815 in the 1920s. its involvements in the ifrst world war  damaged british empire in history. led to the of most independence british colonies. THE united kingdom is a monarchy constitution  THE uk has threejurisdiction distinct.

Etymology and terminology

 the united although a sovereign country wales and northland ireland also widely referred to as countries. Some statistical summaries, such as those for the twelve  refer to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland as "regions". Northern Ireland is also referred to as a "province The term "Great Britain" conventionally refers to the island of Great Britain, or politically to England, while acknowledging that both THE united kingdom that elsewhere british goverment to the refer at least frequently as united kingdom goverment.



Prior to the Treaty of Union

The , beginning in 43 AD, and the 400-year rule of southern Britain, was followed by an invasion by  settlers, reducing the Brittonic area mainly to what was to become  

 -Saxon settlement,  
and, until the latter   (northern England and parts of southern Scotland).
ON 1066, the Normans invaded England from northern France.  ,  they seized  parts of Wales,  of Ireland and were invited to settle  Scotland, bringing to each country feudalism on the Northern French model

 Moreover, it defined a national identity for England and slowly, but profoundly, changed people's religious beliefs. Into become Northern the lands of the  Catholic Gaelic nobility were confiscated and given to Protestant settlers..



 IN NATIONAL information statistics of afghanisan to be 32.9 million authority as of 2020. THE land has historically been various to home people and has witnessed numerous campaigns, the soviet union, the british, and a us- led coalition. THE various period and conquests in the both the india and iranian .THE later 1970s, history has been dominated by the afghanistan including coups and civil wars.      


IT  designated part of the eastermmost realm kartid. ON A based while state-elite of supporting abdali. THAT came into in 1160/ 1747 not called in its own day. during the colonial of the nineteenth century.


IN the prehistoric sites that suggest humans living in now afghanistan at least 50,000 years ago. AN A SITE OF early historical activities, many believe compares egypt in to terms of the historical , neolithic, bronze, mesolithic and iron ages been found in afghanistan. in the south of the country. THE decline began 60 year after ashoka's ended , to the hellenistic by the bactrians- greco.

DURING first bce century the region but lost it to parthian -into vassais. mid-to-last first century kushan empire in afghanistan great patrons a buddhist culture, making flourish throughout the region. THE buddhist turk shahi of kabul replaced by a hindu before the area in 870 called hindu shahi.


Hotak Dynasty

 He defeated Gurgin , the Georgian governor of Kandahar under the Safavids, and established his own kingdom. The Afghan dynasty was ousted from Persia by Nader after the 1729 Battle of DamghanSoon after, the Persian and Afghan forces After the death of Nader Shah in 1747, Ahmad Shah  had returned to Kandahar with a contingent of 4,000  The Abdalis had "unanimously accepted" Ahmad Shah as their new leader. Ahmad Shah invaded India eight during his reign,[98] beginning in 1748. Crossing the Indus River, his armies sacked and absorbed  Ahmad Shah Durrani died in October 1772, and a civil war over succession followed, with his named successor.

Sunday 28 April 2024




ON the indochinese peninsula and thailand or historically known as siam 1939 in a country. In population of almost 70 million in spans 513,120square kilometres is bordered to the northwest by myanmar, to the nourtheast and east by laos to by the cambodia, south by the gulf of  malaysia and thailand. Indonesia and india to the southwest. peoples migrated from southwestern main land to china southeast asia from the 6th and 12th centuries. European contact began in 1511 a portugese diplomatic mission to which a regional power by the end of the 15th century. The system of goverment was centralised and transformed a modern unitary monarchy during the reign  in world war in 1932, it because a constitutional and change its official name  to thailand.


IN the 1939 to the george coedes in world thai means free man in the thai lancountry guage. thais often refer to using the polite prathet. they also use the more term mueang thai the world archaically means kingdom of kingdom and thailand of thai. THE former name may have originated from probably the same as assam and shan . 13th century at the city of lord krishna in the early of the sukhothai kingdom.



Thailand Tourism, Tourist Places in Thailand, Thailand Tour and Travel Guide

THE site of chiang of northeast Tourism, Tourist Places in Thailand, Thailand Tour and Travel Guide
. AT the time mon people established the principalities of the kingdom of hariphunchal in the 6th century. THE peninsula was heavily by the culture and religions of india.




 The majority of the south as well as the eastern tip of the east have a tropical monsoon climate. the first rain monsoon season is caused by southwestern wind the ocean. by intertropical convergence zone with september and august the country receives a mean annual rainfall of 1,200 or 1,600 mm.

Wednesday 24 April 2024



THE arabian sea to the west, of salsette to creek the east and vasai creek to the north. Navi mumbai is east of thane creek and thane is north of vasai creek. The city district is region commonly referred to the island city or south mumbai. THE remaining areas belong to various defence the mumbai port trust, the atomic energy borivall and commission national park. IT sits on salsette island it partially shares with the than district. A part from the bhatsa dam, there are six major lakes that supply water to the city:- vaitama, upper vaitama, tansa, tulsi is used only for agricultural and industrial purposes. THE coastline of the city is indented with creeks and bays, the thane creek on the eastern on the west front.


THE OLDEST NAME OF THE CITY is kakamuchee and galajunkja are sometime still used. while some anglophone have suggested this name posibal  as an alleged phrase bom baim, meanung "good little bay" that interpretation a deficient of the portuguese language of augthors, IN 1516, portuguese explorer barbosa the name tana-maiambu  the from banbain is still commonly used in portuguese. 

       the traveller rousselet louis, visited in 1863 or 1868 in his book inde des  publish in 1877. "Etymologists have wrongly derived his name from the Portuguese Bôa Bahia, or (French: "bonne..


                     People from Mumbai

IT gained popularity after the official name change to mumbai terms such as bombayite are also use.



                     Early history

In the 3rd century BCE, the islands formed part of the Maurya Empire, during its expansion in the south, ruled by the Buddhist emperor Ashoka of Magadha.[70] The Kanheri Caves in Borivali were excavated from basalt rock in the first century CE,[71] and served as an important centre of Buddhism in Western India during ancient Times.[72] The city then was known as Heptanesia (Ancient Greek: A Cluster of Seven Islands) to the Greek geographer Ptolemy in 150 CE.[73] The Mahakali Caves in Andheri were cut out between the 1st century BCE and the 6th century by the shilaharas from 810 to 1260 and 525), 13th century and his capital in mahikawati.


       Uttrakhand Located at the foothills of the Himalayan mountain ranges, it is largely a hilly State, having international boundaries wi...