THEME PARKTheme park in bought in light in the years between 1950s and 1970s.This is mix of ideal economic condition combined with innovation with perfect foundation to bulid the modern theme park concept to be developed.The concept of theme parks was born out of a combination of three early traditions with traveling fairs, plasur gardens, and world fair exhibits slowly three came in form of amusement park for all age groups.with the ditched of all comfortable clothes and sneakers.With evollution of theme park progressive-wooden roller coaasters have turned into steel ones, with more safety elements addes to all rides.

Development:It took about a year and a half, with the team to aiming for as much realism as possible.15 millions copies were sold in 1995 for various games consoles.Generally theme park received positive reviews.DS and IOS released in 2007 and 2011 released in 1997 with saga satum and sony playstation japanese received the game localisation.Theme park world and theme park in also known as simcoater.
In united kingdom a free plot is used with few hundred thousand pounds,to make a profitable amusement park.selling foodstuff such as ice creams,soft drinks and games such as coconut shies and arcades are available in the shops which are in amusement park.For shops in amusement park there are three attributes which can be customised such as affecting the flavour of foods,price of food and loan taken for shops.They started with limited numbers of shops, rides and facilities available.Research find the funding is determined by the player.If visitors become unhappy, then they may come to vandalise the park by committing offences such as pooping balloons, stealing food and beating up entertainers.
1). Dark rides
2).HAUNTED house
3).Ferris wheels
4). Transport rides
5). Railways rides