Showing posts with label AMUSEMENT PARK. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AMUSEMENT PARK. Show all posts

Monday, 15 January 2024


                  AMUSEMENT PARK

Various features are the attractions of amusement parks such as rides,games and other events,they are more elaborate than city parks playgrounds, provide attractions for various age groups.the third oldest amusement parks is in DENMARK.Oldest infuence was the periodic fair of the middle ages the earliest was the bartholomew in england from 1133.In 1860s and 1870s create mechanical ridesus wages, such as the steam-powered carous.The second influence is the pleasure garden. It is located in north of copenhages in klampenborg, denmark.another garden is in london in 1661.It regularly drew enormous crowds, with its paths often noted for romentic assignations: tightrope walkers, hot air balloon ascents,concerts become places of great social diversity.There followed coffee-houses and cafes, which led to the beginnig of wurstelprater as an amusement park.


America is the world's fair as a way of demonstrating economic industrial success.In 1893 columbian expositon in chicago, llinois was an precursor to the modern amusement park.It set out to bedazzle the visitors,successfully did a blaze of lights from the white city.fair from this rides captured the imagination of the visitors and of amusement parks around the world. First steel ferris wheel, which was found in many other smusement areas, such as the prater by 1896.

The 'midway' was introduced by columbian exposition for stardard part of most amusement parks, fair, carnivals and circuses.Only the rides, but other concessins and entertainment such as shooting galleries, penny arcades, games of chance and show.three million were estimated to vist annually.


                Albania in southern  Europe , located in the western part of the  Balkan  Peninsula on the Strait of Otranto, the southern ...