Showing posts with label The Pitons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Pitons. Show all posts

Monday, 27 May 2024

The Pitons, St. Lucia


    The Pitons, St. Lucia

Petit Piton is 743 m (2,438 ft) high and Gros Piton is 798.25 m (2,618.9 ft) high; they are linked by the Piton Mitan RIDEG. IN  the near the town of souafrica.  The Pitons are located on either side of Jalousie Bay. The Pitons are located between the towns of Soufrière and Choiseul on the southwestern coast of the island in the electoral districts of three and ten. 

Flora and fauna

. A survey has revealed 168 species of finfish, 60 species of cnidaria, including corals, eight mollusks, 14 sponges, 11 echinoderms, 15 arthropods, and eight annelid worms. The dominant terrestrial vegetation is tropical moist forest grading to subtropical wet forest, with small areas of dry forest and wet elfin woodland on the summits.  The Gros Piton is home to some 27 bird species (five of them endemic), three indigenous rodents, one opossum, three bats, eight reptiles, and three amphibians. Gros Piton can be climbed without ropes or mountaineering experience. One can hike to the summit and come back down to sea level within several hours. Local guides are provided by the National Park and are included with your entry fee. They are trained by the government to have basic knowledge of the languages common among tourists and of the medical procedures required in case of common accidents The islands of Dominica, Martinique, Barbados, and St. Vincent can be seen from its peak.

In popular culture

Both mountains are an attraction for hikers although the Gros Piton peak is more popular since it is an easier climb and tours are offered by The Soufrière Foundation, a non-profit group that is dedicated to helping preserve the Pitons Management Area. Petit Piton lies towards the middle of Soufrière Bay, south of Soufrière and north of Gros Piton Saint Lucia's local brand of beer made by the Windward & Leeward Brewery is named after the Pitons.


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