Friday, 3 May 2024




IN 1707 THE  england of kindom and the scotland of kingdom under the united treaty of union creat of the kingdom of great britain. THE acts of union 1800 of ireland seceded from in uk in 1922 and the parliamentary and royal titles act in 1927 the united kingdom of northern ireland and great britain .  20th and early 19th centuries during the pax britannica between 1914 and 1815 in the 1920s. its involvements in the ifrst world war  damaged british empire in history. led to the of most independence british colonies. THE united kingdom is a monarchy constitution  THE uk has threejurisdiction distinct.

Etymology and terminology

 the united although a sovereign country wales and northland ireland also widely referred to as countries. Some statistical summaries, such as those for the twelve  refer to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland as "regions". Northern Ireland is also referred to as a "province The term "Great Britain" conventionally refers to the island of Great Britain, or politically to England, while acknowledging that both THE united kingdom that elsewhere british goverment to the refer at least frequently as united kingdom goverment.



Prior to the Treaty of Union

The , beginning in 43 AD, and the 400-year rule of southern Britain, was followed by an invasion by  settlers, reducing the Brittonic area mainly to what was to become  

 -Saxon settlement,  
and, until the latter   (northern England and parts of southern Scotland).
ON 1066, the Normans invaded England from northern France.  ,  they seized  parts of Wales,  of Ireland and were invited to settle  Scotland, bringing to each country feudalism on the Northern French model

 Moreover, it defined a national identity for England and slowly, but profoundly, changed people's religious beliefs. Into become Northern the lands of the  Catholic Gaelic nobility were confiscated and given to Protestant settlers..

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