Monday 27 May 2024

The Pitons, St. Lucia


    The Pitons, St. Lucia

Petit Piton is 743 m (2,438 ft) high and Gros Piton is 798.25 m (2,618.9 ft) high; they are linked by the Piton Mitan RIDEG. IN  the near the town of souafrica.  The Pitons are located on either side of Jalousie Bay. The Pitons are located between the towns of Soufrière and Choiseul on the southwestern coast of the island in the electoral districts of three and ten. 

Flora and fauna

. A survey has revealed 168 species of finfish, 60 species of cnidaria, including corals, eight mollusks, 14 sponges, 11 echinoderms, 15 arthropods, and eight annelid worms. The dominant terrestrial vegetation is tropical moist forest grading to subtropical wet forest, with small areas of dry forest and wet elfin woodland on the summits.  The Gros Piton is home to some 27 bird species (five of them endemic), three indigenous rodents, one opossum, three bats, eight reptiles, and three amphibians. Gros Piton can be climbed without ropes or mountaineering experience. One can hike to the summit and come back down to sea level within several hours. Local guides are provided by the National Park and are included with your entry fee. They are trained by the government to have basic knowledge of the languages common among tourists and of the medical procedures required in case of common accidents The islands of Dominica, Martinique, Barbados, and St. Vincent can be seen from its peak.

In popular culture

Both mountains are an attraction for hikers although the Gros Piton peak is more popular since it is an easier climb and tours are offered by The Soufrière Foundation, a non-profit group that is dedicated to helping preserve the Pitons Management Area. Petit Piton lies towards the middle of Soufrière Bay, south of Soufrière and north of Gros Piton Saint Lucia's local brand of beer made by the Windward & Leeward Brewery is named after the Pitons.

Lapland, Finland

Lapland, Finland                   

 IN the area of Lapland in 100,366 square kilometres to the one-third of the total area of Finland.
 on the shore of the Bay of Bothnia of the top of Finland is more than 500 kilometres on the shore  at the southernmost municipality of Lapland. shore of the Bay of Bothnia.

the Lapland's cold and wintry climate t has become associated with Christmas in some countries coupled with the relative abundance of conifer trees such as pines.. notably the United KingdomTO the  Lapland Lapland has also become a major tourist destination for the world-class celebrities as well as royalty.


 on the Finnish side of the border and is the highest point in the region's highest point is on Halti in Finland..  Lapland is known as Forest-Lapland. Lake Inari, the many fens of the region and the Salla-Saariselkä mountains are all part of Forest-Lapland. Fell-Lapland lies in the fells of the Scandinavian Mountainson top of soil types in Lapland in the Forest are sand in the conifer forests.. IN  home of Santa Claus (Father Christmas or Saint Nicholas) since 1927,  developed the Santa Claus Village attraction to encourage tourism.  It has been suggested the inselberg plains were formed in the Late Cretaceous or Paleogene period by pediplanation or etchplanation.[17] Relative to southern Finland Lapland stands out for its thick till cover. The bedrock of Lapland belongs to the Karelian Domain occupying the bulk of the region, the Kola Domain in the northeast around Lake Inari and the Scandinavian Caledonides in the tip of Lapland's northwestern arm.


The snow cover is usually thickest in early April. Soon after that the snow cover starts to melt fast. in Kilpisjärvi on 19 April 1997 and it was 190 cm.[27 The annual mean temperature varies from a couple of degrees below zero in the northwest to a couple of degrees above zero in the southwest (Kemi-Tornio area). 


Lapland was to become a Grand Principality and part of the inheritance of the proposed king of FinlandLapland Province was separated from Oulu Province in 1938 The Germans used scorched earth tactics in Lapland before they withdrew to Norway. 40 to 47 per cent of the dwellings in Lapland and 417 kilometres (259 mi) of railroads were destroyed, 9,500 kilometres (5,900 mi) of roadways were mined, destroyed or were unusable, and 675 bridges and 3,700 kilometres (2,300 mi) of telephone lines were also destroyed.  Large hydroelectric plants and mines were established and cities, roads and bridges were rebuilt after the destruction of the war. In the late 20th century the economy of Lapland started to decline, mines and factories became unprofitable and the population started to decline rapidly across most of the region.

Monday 13 May 2024

Oshino Hakkai, Oshino, Yamanashi, Japan


Oshino Hakkai, Oshino, Yamanashi, Japan

The ponds were originally known as the Fujisan Nemoto Hakko Eight is a significant number in Buddhism, and making a circuit of the eight ponds was a major part of Mt.IN THE 1868, when the new government on the took measures to reduce the immense wealth and power of the religious ablutions at the ponds gradually ceased. 

 That vista is the striking “Diamond Fuji” phenomenon, which can only be seen from certain places setting sun aligns perfectly with the peak of the sun of the caldera as the Fuji. it is even take some home in a bottle in the  water in the Waku Pond is especially clear and clean, and visitors are encouraged to drink..

                                               Hannoki Bayashi Shiryokan

don't miss taking a walk along the nearby cherry tree-lined river with views of the blossoms in combination with Mount Fuji in a few days later than around Lake Kawaguchiko).  a Fujikko tourist buses also make in the a stop at Oshino Hakkai in Further. 

the village of goverment  at the one public elementary school and one public in junior high school operated.

.  a village has not high school. The density of 391,8 persons per km2 in total area of the village is 25.05 square kilometres

. In the humid summers and hot in  winters relatively mild. . The average annual rainfall is 1804 mm with September as the wettest month  While you enjoy those, you can take in the gorgeous views of Mount Fuji, whether you're there in time for fall foliage or cherry blossoms.

which can only be seen from certain places due to the position of the Earth. The water in the Waku Pond is especially clear and clean, and visitors are encouraged to drink it and even take some home in a bottle

Friday 10 May 2024

Khatu Shyam

                     Khatu Shyam

IN the KhatuShyam is a manifestation Hinduism the of son of Ghatotkacha. He was the son of sired by Bhima through one of his wives of the Jagadamba and Ghatotkacha.  he is the explained to Barbarika to the battle the head of the bravest Kshatriya needed to be sacrificed.

   IN the but also declared that Barbarikaʼs devotees would be blessed and all only granted him the boon but also declared that Barbarikaʼs in granted by simply pronouncing his name from the bottom and all their wishes granted by simply pronouncing his name from the bottom of their hearts. THE placed by the atop a hill overlooking the battlefield. When the victorious Pandava brothers argued amongst to the who was responsible for the victory in the battle was over.  to the prevent total destruction, Barbarik sacrificed his head for the cause, and the war commenced A dip in this pond cures a person from  the war commenced with his act of honor.


Barbarik's Head Found in Khatoo Village

to the temple and install the head therein in thethen had a dream where he was inspired to build a temple the Roopsingh Chauhan, king of Khareinthis is the to only slightly different version of this legend. Roopsingh Chauhan was the ruler of Khatu. he is once had a dream in which the deity instructed to the take his image out of the earth in the  His wife, Narmada Kanwar., it yielded the in the temple is the idol of was duly enshrined.

Temple Construction

the old temple in nobleman known as Diwan Abhaisingh renovated in 1720 ad  of MarwarThe idol is made of rare stone. the sanctum sanctorum are covered with gold sheet of the family deity of many families.Immediately, fountains of blood appeared from the Shiva Lingam. The soldiers ran away, terrified. see the mark of the on the Lingam. The "Shyam Kund" is a holy pond near the temple from where the 'Sheesh' of baba shyam came out. In this kund devotees take bath and do worship of khatu naresh

Wednesday 8 May 2024

Sintra, Portuga


The town constitutes three Miguel, São Martinho, and São Pedro de Pennaferrim) and is within the much larger Sintra An area of former royal summer residence, Sintra possesses a beauty that was celebrated by Lord Byron in his poem Childe Harold’s Sintra was designated a in 1995. On one the of mountain peaks is thea 16th-century monastery and partly an imitation of a by her young German On the extensive grounds of the castle, Ferdinand created the Parque da Pena, a series of  the park is throug out the incorporates natural elements in adapting to the area’s rugged terrain rather than reshaping the old-town of the Sintra Although damaged in the earthquake in 1755 the palace it was restored in 21st century more than 400,000 tourists visited to the  painstakingly restored. World Heritage site, any of various areas or objects inscribed on the The sites are designated as having “outstanding universal value” under the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage. 


Designating World Heritage sites

this are cultural, natural, and mixe types of sites.. Natural heritage sites are restricted to those natural areas that 1)provide excellent examples of ongoing ecological and biological evolutionary processes,2) furnish outstanding examples of Earth’s record of life or its geologic processes,3) furnish habitats for rare or endangered animals or plants or are sites of exceptional biodiversity. The ratio of cultural to natural sites on the World Heritage  List is roughly 3 to 1  Several new sites are added to the list The ratio of cultural to natural sites on the World Heritage at the middle of each year.

                                           The Nubian preservation campaign 

Aerial archaeological surveys were carried out by UNESCO in collaboration with the governments of the U.A.R. and Sudan in 1960. made ground surveys of the many islands of the Second Cataract and of sections of the east and west banks of the In addition, the mission recorded and excavated a considerable number of sites.





       Uttrakhand Located at the foothills of the Himalayan mountain ranges, it is largely a hilly State, having international boundaries wi...